Southern African Hypertension Society

NCD Academy

NCD Academy is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between major players in global health to equip frontline health workers with integrated, mobile-first education on NCD care as they take on a more prominent role in prevention. It is a novel, interactive web-based platform designed to equip healthcare professionals with free access to online certificate programs designed to enhance their knowledge of techniques and therapies for NCD prevention and treatment.

The course content includes cardiovascular disease and stroke prevention. Please access the link below for a further breakdown on course content.

What Makes NCD Academy Unique?

  • Entirely free for download worldwide.
  • Available for iOS and Android, as well as via desktop.
  • Interactive lessons that emphasize practice through gamified learning.
  • Input by experts from around the world to ensure applicability to local practice.
  • Course completion results in a digital certificate badge to showcase mastery of topics.
  • A one-stop-shop for primary care providers to access education on various NCDs that represent the greatest contributors to global mortality.